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Boo Booze

In our STEAM class, Cure we just finished up the unit called "Prevention" which focused on the history and development of vaccines. We learned about the risks associated with early forms of vaccination such as variolation and inoculation due to the use of live viruses. We also learned the concept of herd immunity, which means that even those who are not vaccinated can be protected if a certain percentage of the population is vaccinated. We explored the topic of herd immunity by using a simulation, in which you could change the vaccination rate with the population and see how herd immunity works. We also learned how to read nutrition labels and how to calculate calorie conversion rates for fats and carbs. We also explored the role of doctors in addressing the mental health of their patients, we watched the movie, Patch Adams (1998) which explored the idea of connecting with patients. This AP is all bout creating a preventative care plan based on a patient's medical and fa...

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