The Emperor Scorpion

    We just about finished unit one in our "Population" class. In this class, we learned about many different organisms' characteristics, and taxonomy, Taxonomy is the way scientists classify organisms. For our second action project, we were assigned to pick an organism and research its characteristics. We were also assigned to create a collage that shows all of the characteristics in the table. We were also tasked to come up with 5 math statements about our organism. I researched the Pandinus Imperator, also known as an Emperor Scorpion. Below is a table describing the Emperor Scorpion's taxonomic levels
and their characteristics.


Below is my collage of the Emperor Scorpion, I have attempted to include every characteristic that I have listed in the table above. This collage was very fun and somewhat difficult to accomplish.

Below are the five math statements about the Emperor Scorpion that depict its traits that I listed in the taxonomy table.

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