The One and Only Aardmabeaver!

This is my first Action Project (AP) for the course called "Stories", in which we have to create a Mythological creature from our imagination and make a description and what it represents. This is one of the shortest times that I have done an AP, but I think that it is a pretty cool one and it lets me show how wild my imagination can get because we had to mash up two or three animals and make a name for it, so I named my creature "Aardmabeaver". Which is a pretty obvious name to give an animal that is made up of an Aardvark, an Armadillo, and a Beaver. I hope you enjoy my abomination of a creature and its representation.

Here is the Creature Profile

Name of Creature: Aardmabeaver

Animals it encompasses and symbolism:

An aardvark is a humble creature. An aardvark can also represent endurance, An armadillo has a hard shell, which represents protection and survival due to its unique body structure, it is able to withstand severe weather conditions, and A beaver is a hardworking creature, so it represents achievement and productivity. 


An Aardmabeaver lives in different environments, it could live in a desert, the forest or in the water. Aardmabeavers are also ingenious builders, as they (like beavers) build dams. They also have extended claws in the front so they could dig efficiently (like an Aardvark). This creature also has a protective shell on the outside of its skin that serves as protection like an armadillo. When sleeping the Aardmabeaver rolls into a ball.

SDG connection:

Aardvarks represent endurance, so that we could endure to fix most if not all problems that are affecting the planet in bad ways. An Armadillo symbolizes protection so we need to protect our planet from pollution and climate change. A Beaver represents achievement; we need to achieve the goal that SDG 13 lays out (SDG 13 is Climate Action).

The Visual:

This was a fun mini AP. I hope to do something else like this in the future. I like the fact that I was able to make this animal up, I liked the outcome. Although it is a weird thing to look at, it symbolizes much more. The Field Experience (FE) that my class went to for this AP was the Poetry Foundation to look at "Planetaria" By Monica Ong. This FE was to show us how we could use visuals to interpret something, Monica Ong for example, uses constellations and a Viewmaster, but I chose this drawing as my visual representation. 

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