Water is dirty

In Water class, we have learned about scientific notation, hydroponics, biofiltration, aquaponics, and how to calculate pH. What I learned in this class, will help me with this AP, I fully understand how I could calculate everything. Even the FE's that we have gone to have taught me a lot about water filtration, and how we could use these types of filtration to help out humanity.

Even though I have never built a water filter before, I found the process of building to be the right fit for my skills. I found it challenging to consistently measure the pH of my samples. I know that water filters are obtainable for purchase, and some are very costly, so I wanted to see what could be done with the things I had available to me.

The filter will work based on the same principles that filter ground water. Larger gaps will filter larger particles and smaller gaps will filter smaller particles. I will layer them so that the largest gaps are at the top and the smallest are at the bottom. Gravity will pull the water through the filter, and therefore through the gaps leaving particles behind.

My filter has many naturally occurring materials in it. The grass, gravel, charcoal, and sand are present in groundwater filtration. The other materials, such as cotton, will simulate certain types of rocks that are porous, such as limestone, and would only allow water through one drop at a time.
The materials needed are:

Cotton fabric



Cotton pads

Paper towels

Coffee filters



Empty milk jug

Clean water to wash the rocks, sand, and grass

Water from some unclean source 

pH Testing Kit

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